Spots are limited and fill up quickly! Reserve online now! Be sure to check out the Frequently Asked Questions below.
Use this form for Rally Related Questions:
The Frequently Asked Questions section below has a TON of information about rentals, weather, gear, food, and everything else you might want to know! Most questions will be answered by reading below. If you still have a question, feel free to email here.
Messages sent through this form go directly to my awesome wife Jessie, who organizes everything for the tours. Please do not send private messages to me (Tyler) through this form. Thanks and much love!
Events book up FAST! Get on the list so you get first dibs on eveRide epic week-long rallies, weekenders, treasure hunts, long range ADV rides, and international SUPER RALLIES!
We hate spam, too! We ONLY use this email to contact you about upcoming events. Expect just 2-3 emails per year.

Please note that Sundays are my day off so I won't be riding, touring, or filming on Sundays.
This calendar is for reference only. Unscheduled days on the calendar are NOT guaranteed to be available for riding/touring. Please inquire below for availability.
Hire me to follow and film the details of your great adventure, no matter where your travels take you. Please use the contact form above to get in touch.
If you'd like me to film a promotional video for your company, please contact me on my sponsors page.

If you have a specific question, use the search function (ctrl+f) and type in a keyword to your question. For example, type in "rent" if you have questions about rentals.
Question: I noticed the price recently went up... what's up with that?
Answer: We do our best to keep the prices as low as we can for our awesome producers and first responders/veterans, but the business needs to be sustainable. These rides are about 1/2 to 1/5 of what other outfitters charge for services with far less amenities. Some of our main business expenses include vehicles and maintenance, (support truck and motorcycles), business insurance, legal fees, the Moto Mansion mortgage, cleaning, maintenance, cameras and film equipment, and sometimes hiring a co-host to help with rallies. Not to mention we're paying for ALL of your food, plus providing headphones, shirts, and other goodies.
Question: What is an eveRide Producer/Patron, and why is the cost double for non-producers?
Answer: Producers are people who voluntarily contribute to the creation of free videos and content. These rallies started as a perk for eveRide producers, and that's their continued purpose. They are not advertised or marketed anywhere other than the eveRide YouTube channel. I want to reward those who help me create free videos by sharing my amazing riding areas with them. It's not hard or expensive to become a producer, it can cost as little as $1 a month, and there is no time requirement to get the 50% producer discount. (So yes, that means you can pay $1 for one month, get the 50% discount, and then cancel your payments. No shame in that!)
Question: Do I have to use the website to book/pay?
Answer: We prefer the deposit here on the website so we can more easily keep track of bookings, then cash, check, or Venmo for the rally once you arrive. We can also arrange booking/payments through different means, just use the form above to contact us and we'll work it all out.
Question: Can I get a discount if I stay somewhere else besides the Moto Mansion?
Answer: Sorry, but no. The Moto Mansion is a free perk for videography clients. Whether you stay at the Moto Mansion or not, the price of the rally/videography will be the same.
Question: If there's a veteran/police/fire/emt/teacher at the Weekender Rally, can the unrelated group get the discount?
Answer: Sorry, but no.
Question: How do I pay for this?
Answer: Make a deposit on this website, then come to the rally with the remainder of the balance in $USD cash, check, or a Venmo account. After the rally or ride, we will refund the deposit and any applicable discounts if everything is in good condition.
Question: What happens if I have to cancel my reservation or bail on the rally? Will I get my deposit back?
Answer: If you cancel more than 30 days from the rally, you'll get your deposit back minus the damage deposit. If you cancel within 30 days of the rally, we keep both the damage deposit and the reservation. Why? Spaces are very limited, so when a space is filled for months then canceled last minute, we often can't fill that spot and lose the income that space would have provided. Canceling last minute REALLY hurts our business, so please follow through if you book.
Question: What's up with the $200 damage deposit?
Answer: The $200 deposit will be FULLY refunded once the event is over and everything is back where it belongs in the condition it started in.
Question: What is my damage deposit for? What does it cover?
Answer: The damage deposit covers a LOT of stuff! Luckily, we rarely ever deduct from a damage deposit. Here are some example cases of why you wouldn't get your full damage deposit back:
You cancel your booking.
You leave something here and we pay to ship it back to you.
You damage somebody else's property.
You damage something at the moto mansion.
You damage the headset.
You take something and have to ship it back to us. (Remember to give back your headset and mount!)
The videographer pays for something that's not included in the package (extra alcohol at dinner, gas, storage media, repairs, tubes, oil, parts, etc)
Question: When can I expect to see my damage deposit returned?
Answer: You'll get your damage deposit back as soon as everything is returned in the condition it was issued in. If something needs to be resolved, then you'll receive the deposit back as soon as the issue is totally resolved (ie shipping costs.)
Question: What if I returned my stuff but never got my deposit back?
Answer: We do our best to get deposits returned quickly, so if you don't see it, let us know!
Question: Isn't this a little underpriced?
Answer: Yes. Compared to other packages that offer adventure videography, headset rental, lodging, all meals, secure bike storage, in-town shuttles, free earbuds, free shirts, and several days worth of riding world class trails for this price is stupid nuts. On many weekends, it's difficult to get just a hotel room for under $200 a night after fees. eveRide is a literal "mom and pop" business with three little mouths to feed and a mortgage to pay. It doesn't take a lot to support my family, but it does take something. It is inexpensive because it's meant to be a perk for the producers who contribute to the eveRide channel.
Question: I want to ride with you and your group, but I'd rather camp than stay at the moto mansion, and I don't want to pay for any filming. Can I just tag along and ride?
Answer: Sorry, but no. There's no doubt about it, I love meeting with new people and riding motorcycles, but it's not fair to my paying guests to divide my time and focus. Southwest Utah is filled with beautiful landscapes, plenty of camping and RV space, lots of hotels, and scores of places to eat. You will have a fantastic time if you make your Southwest Utah trip on your own, but I'd really love to ride with you, and I suggest taking a look at the price breakdown if you're interested in saving money.
Question: I'd rather not pay for videography. Can I just get the GPS tracks of your routes?
Answer: This is a difficult question. On one hand, I'd love to share these trails with everybody! After all, all these trails are on public lands and I own none of them. If I could transfer the coordinates from my brain to yours and guarantee that they wouldn't get shared with extremes who destroy these lands through political closures or rampant environmental abuse, I would. On the other hand, if you spent years perfecting a "secret sauce" that required thousands of hours of your time, a significant financial investment, and a frankly hazardous development process, would you give away the recipe? The intimate knowledge of these trails was garnered over years of exploration, and for every excellent trail there are a dozen dangerous, unremarkable, dead-end, or now-destroyed trails that I surveyed. There are thousands of trails near Saint George, and even with GPS tracks there are just too many to get to the "good stuff" without first hand knowledge of the trails. My clients often say that I'm like an "adventure navigation system"... they tell me what they'd like to ride and what they'd like to see, I calculate a route, and I film them as they ride it. So not only is the knowledge of these trails the "secret sauce recipe" that literally feeds my family, but the last time I shared GPS tracks of one of my favorite single track trails, it was shared and shared again. It only took a year for side by sides to turn that trail into a whooped out, rutted, dusty, trash-lined three-lane dirt highway. If you'd like to ride where everything is mapped, Moab is a far better option. The problem is that everybody else has access to those maps as well, which is why Moab is woefully overcrowded, continually under threat of environmental shutdown, and overrun with overpriced hotels and subpar restaurants. Please help me keep the riding areas near Saint George from becoming Moab.
Question: Do you have vegetarian, vegan, and other dietary options?
Answer: This all depends on the places we go to eat, but yes! Most restaurants have options for vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, etc. We'll do our best to meet your dietary requests.
Question: Do you pay for alcoholic beverages at dinners? Will they be available at the moto mansion, or can I bring my own?
Answer: We don't provide alcohol at the moto mansion, but you're welcome to bring your own. If you order alcohol at a meal the cost will be deducted from your deposit.
Question: What food do you provide for snacks, breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
Answer: We provide ALL of your food and non alcoholic drinks!
Breakfast: We don't like to waste food on making a whole buffet, so breakfasts are self-prepared, and we ask that you prepare only what you'll eat. We provide eggs, bacon, muffins, orange juice, and milk in the fridge. You'll also find fresh fruit, cereal, and coffee. If you'd like us to pick something up just for you, we're happy to take requests for breakfast food, snacks, and soft drinks before the rally starts.
Lunch: We are usually on the trail during lunch time. If we are close to town we can cruise in for a bite, usually fast-ish food. More often, groups decide to stay out and ride during lunch, and in that case we provide plenty of snacks for a day of riding: trail mix, cookies, jerky, chips, fresh fruits, nuts, etc. It's up to you to pack them, though!
Since we may have skipped lunch in favor of a great ride, for dinner, we go all out! Whether it's local gas station dives with the best burritos in town or the ultra-fancy French-American cuisine, it's all fair game. Saint George is a tourist town with a surprising amount of culture, so the local food is pretty excellent! Options are Thai, Authentic Mexican, Fresh Mex/Tex Mex, Japanese, Peruvian, Italian, Barbecue, Chinese, Mongolian, Vietnamese, American, Steakhouse, or whatever else you might be in the mood for!
Question: If I fly in, how do I get from the airport to the Moto Mansion?
Answer: If you fly into McCarran international airport in Las Vegas, you'll need to get transportation to Saint George. You can schedule a shuttle through either or to get from Las Vegas to St. George and back. We're happy to pick up/drop off from your shuttle's stop in Saint George. If you land at the Saint George airport, we're happy to pick up/drop off there directly. You may want to compare prices of flying into Vegas + the cost of a shuttle to Saint George versus flying directly to the Saint George airport.
Question: How do I get around when I'm in town?
Answer: There are plenty of amenities within walking distance of the Moto Mansion, but if we need to get around I am happy to shuttle individuals or the entire group in my awesome Swagger Wagon (Minivan). It's not luxurious... in fact you may be sitting in spilled cheese puffs or on a toy dinosaur, but it gets the job done. You're also welcome to drive the vehicle you bring, or ride your plated motorcycle.
Question: Can I ship my gear to you ahead of time? Can I buy something online and ship it to the Moto Mansion for the rally?
Answer: Most definitely! However, if it is an item that must fit correctly (helmets, boots, etc) then please assure that it fits correctly before shipping it here.
Question: Do I need a motorcycle license and a "plated" motorcycle to participate?
Answer: You will need a valid motorcycle license because we will likely be riding on public roads. However, we can accommodate a few dirt bikes in the back of my truck.
Question: Do I need a a Utah/Arizona/Nevada OHV sticker to participate?
Answer: We have never had a problem with needing OHV stickers as long as motorcycles have been plated and street legal. However, laws change often and it's YOUR responsibility to follow the laws and requirements while riding both on and off road. It's best to contact the St. George Bureau of Land Management for the most updated information at (435) 688-3200. Out-of-state OHV permits are far less expensive than possible citations.
Question: Are there any motorcycles that are not allowed?
Answer: Yes. 650 class bikes, "Adventure" motorcycles, and motorcycles over 330 lbs (150kg) are not allowed on Shred rallies. Riders should be EXPERTS to attend a Solid rally on any dual sport above 330 lbs (150k). Schooling rallies are open to all dual sports and adventure motorcycles, but motorcycles above 350 lbs (158kg) are discouraged. All motorcycles should be capable of traveling at least 60mph (100kmh).
We strongly discourage kick-start-only motorcycles.
Question: Where can I rent a motorcycle?
Answer: We have a local Facebook group here with members who are willing to rent a huge variety of privately owned motorcycles. All you need to do is join the group and ask for specific dates. Please inquire above for more information.
Question: How long are the rides?
Answer: Expect rides to last four to six hours, but depending on group circumstances, rides may last from three to eight hours.
Question: What's up with rest days? Why not ride every day?
Answer: We used to ride every day on rallies, and it was exhausting! Injuries were frequent and burnout was very real. Most people discover that Utah is a "different kind of hard" than you're used to. If you have the energy, you are more than welcome to ride on "free days" or "rest days", but these will not be guided days.
Question: Can I work on my motorcycle while I'm there?
Answer: Yes! The Moto Mansion garage is equipped with all kinds of tools, a motorcycle lift, and even a TV and a surround sound system so you can watch DIY videos or listen to music while you work. For emergency repairs and parts, we have two dealerships in town. However, if you bring a motorcycle, it should be in excellent working condition BEFORE your arrival. Please don't plan on "last minute fixes" when you arrive. It could delay the group, or you might miss the ride!
Question: Can I bring a questionably functional motorcycle? What steps should I take to ensure my motorcycle functions as it should?
Answer: Your motorcycle should be in EXCELLENT functional condition and running perfectly at least ONE WEEK before the rally. Handle any repairs, mods, or adjustments at least one week before the rally to make sure it will perform how you want it to. Be sure to start your bike, test idle, throttle, brakes, and all critical functions before bringing it to the rally. Check bolts and use threadlocker. Since even slight adjustments can cripple a motorcycle, modding/wrenching just days before or during the rally is discouraged. Since bike issues are often the cause of canceled bookings (and therefore REALLY harm our business) we ask that you ensure that your motorcycle is in excellent working condition from the day you book until the day you leave the badlands.
Question: What kind of range will my motorcycle need?
Answer: When the trails are this close to town, the trails are also close to gas! There are plenty of gas stations close to the trails. You should have about a 80 mile range minimum, and if you ride a two-stroke please bring extra premix on the rides.
Question: Are you a mechanic and can you work on my motorcycle if it breaks?
Answer: I am not a certified mechanic. I can do basic trailside repairs and will carry plenty of tools during our rides, but for liability reasons, any major repairs will be up to you. If a trailside repair can't be fixed within an hour, we will call in a support truck to take the bike and rider back to the Moto Mansion.
Question: What if I break my motorcycle or have motorcycle problems that I can't fix? What will I ride?
Answer: We have a support truck that can transport your motorcycle from the trail back to the Moto Mansion. We also have an emergency back-up motorcycle that you can rent for $150 per day, or you can rent from a local private rider. This back-up motorcycle is ONLY for break-down emergencies, and can't be rented as a primary bike. There are also motorcycle shops, but they typically have a wait of 2-3 weeks. We also have access to a few on-call private mechanics who may be able to help.
Question: What happens if there is an injury or a mechanical breakdown on the trail?
Answer: Your videographer (usually Tyler) will be equipped with a very basic first aid kit and a Garmin inReach GPS communicator. However, he is a videographer and not a medical professional or mechanic, and may be unable to assist to the extent needed in a medical or mechanical emergency. In the event of a serious, life threatening injury, we can use the inReach to call qualified personnel through Search and Rescue. For minor injuries or mechanical breakdowns that can't be resolved on the trail, we have a support truck on call that can usually reach us within an hour. 90% of the riding we'll do takes place within 20 miles of Saint George, which has two excellent hospitals.
RIDERS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO BRING THEIR OWN ACTIVATED GPS EMERGENCY TRANSPONDERS (inReach, SPOT, PLB, etc) WITH RESCUE/RECOVERY INSURANCE. In the case of emergency, the rider will be responsible for his/her emergency costs. Having a transponder with emergency insurance is a good way to go not just for my rallies, but for every ride you take.
Question: Is there cell coverage on the rides?
Answer: It depends on the terrain. In deep canyons, no. On overlooks and peaks, yes! In most cases, depending on your carrier, you will still have cell service on the trails we ride.
Question: Isn't the Moto Mansion just a basement?
Answer: Yes, the Moto Mansion is a basement... a glorious, bright, 2200 square foot mancave of a basement with enormous windows, an incredible view, a 110" theater screen, Dolby Surround, full kitchen, laundry room, garage with tools and a motorcycle lift, massage chair, six person hot tub, private walk-out patio and yard, private entrance, three rooms, and sleeping for eight.
Question: What's the difference between the shred, solid and schooling weekenders?
Answer: Shred rallies are ONLY for riders who are confident in their skills and willing to ride technical, difficult terrain. Shred rides are not races, but they will feature terrain that is meant to push and challenge the group. On these rides, the videographer will ride with the majority of the group, which is usually setting a faster pace on difficult terrain. Shred rides are for bikes under 330 lbs. Large dual sports (650s and above) are not allowed on shred rallies. Riders need to be in excellent physical condition.
Solid rallies are geared towards intermediate riders on intermediate terrain, at a moderate pace. Difficulty of terrain and pace largely depends on the group, but riders should expect to tackle difficult sections. While we won't actively look for difficult obstacles on a Solid Rally, riders should be comfortable with riding some sand, whoops, hill climbs, steep descents, and other obstacles. Riders need to be in good physical condition.
Schooling rallies involve a drilling/learning component for newer riders who would like to ride more technical trails. It is NOT for brand new riders. You should be familiar with riding motorcycles: using the clutch and shifting, braking, throttle control, etc. This is not a core class, or a substitute for the MSF class. If you attend a schooling weekender, expect to do some fundamental drills, followed by moderately difficult trail riding to put those skills to practice. Schooling participants should expect a slower pace on mellow to moderate terrain. They should be willing to follow instructions, adapt and change riding habits, and accept critiques. The videographer will ride with the majority of the group, or any rider who needs extra help.
Question: If I book a schooling rally, can I shred instead? If I book a shred but I'm new, can you take time to do a "schooling" with me?
Answer: Riders are welcome to ride however they like, on whatever trails they want to go on. However, it is inconsiderate to book one type of rally and expect the group to change to a different style to meet your needs. If you'd like to be filmed, you'll need to stick to the group, and the group will most likely opt to ride in the style they signed up for. IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU'RE HONEST WITH YOURSELF WHEN CHOOSING A RIDE, AND CHOOSE THE RALLY (SCHOOLING, SOLID, OR SHRED) THAT BEST ALIGNS WITH YOUR RIDING ABILITY. Hosting a rally becomes very difficult, and it's frustrating to everybody involved when rider skills are vastly different.
Question: What skills are required to book a ride?
Answer: You should know the basics of motorcycle operation, and have a motorcycle endorsement on your license to ride on the road. To book any ride (including schooling rides) Riders must be familiar with basic motorcycle operation: clutch, front and rear brakes, starting on hills, etc.
Question: I'm new to riding off road, or I'm worried that I may be much slower than the rest group. What should I do?
Answer: If you're worried about holding up the group, consider booking a private ride instead of a rally.
Question: Can I stay a few days before or after the rally?
Answer: Yes! Please organize the length of your stay with us first to make sure we have availability. Please contact us if you plan on staying longer than the regular rally length.
Question: Do I have to share a room/bathroom?
Answer: Most likely, yes. Rallies are capped at 6 riders and we provide 3 rooms and one bathroom. If you're worried about noise/snoring, we provide noise-reducing earbuds to use while riding AND sleeping. Each room also has a white noise machine so you can get a good rest! If you're paired up with somebody that is REALLY loud, we have spare mattresses that we can put in the commons area of the Moto Mansion.
Question: What kind of entertainment is available when the rides are finished? Cable/Satellite TV?
Answer: We cut the traditional cord long ago, so we don't have standard cable or satellite TV, but we do provide Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, YouTube, and other streaming services, along with a small selection of physical movies and video games. You're welcome to bring your own media devices as well. Chances are we can help you hook it up.
Question: What odds and ends do you recommend to bring on the trip?
Answer: Bring fingernail clippers, sunblock, earplugs, personal soap/toiletries, deodorant, lip balm, and anything else that you'd rather not share. ;)
Question: What kind of amenities/stores are close to the Moto Mansion?
Answer: We have an auto parts store, ATM, Albertsons and Lin's grocery stores, a gym, several restaurants, a gas station, a Walgreen's, and even two Urgent Care clinics within walking distance (half mile) of the Moto Mansion.
Question: What is the weather/temperatures like? Is it too cold to ride in the winter? Too hot in the spring/summer?
Answer: In the dead of winter (December and January) expect highs in the mid 50s. In these months, riding usually starts in the early afternoon and ends when it gets dark. Highs in late spring (May) and early fall (September) get into the 90s. During hotter times we'll generally wake up early and finish riding by 2 pm. Generally, most rallies are held when temps are anywhere from 60 to 80 degrees. Perfect riding weather! We don't host rallies in June, July, or August. For average weather conditions in Saint George, check out:
Question: Do you have room for trailers/RVs at the Moto Mansion?
Answer: We have space and hookups for two small RVs or one large RV. There is parking along the street for trucks and trailers, but we try to keep that to a minimum.
Question: If I have a group, can I book an entire rally?
Answer: Heck yeah! If you have a group of at least 6 people I can change an empty existing rally to a custom tour for your group of 6-8 riders. Please note that the group will ride to the level of ability of the least skilled rider.
Question: I see you've got open time on your calendar. Can I just show up and ride with you for free? Can I come stay at the Moto Mansion without paying?
Answer: Sorry, but no. I love riding motorcycles and meeting people, but my schedule is crazy and while my calendar might be blank for bookings, I still have many business responsibilities. Yes, motorcycle riding is fun! Motorcycle tours are fun! I have a great time doing what I do, but it is still my job and I still work hard, still sacrifice time away from family, and still spend time and resources to make it happen.
Question: Is this a guided tour?
Answer: No, this is a videography rally where the group decides the route to take, and the videographer is there to film the group. (Think of going with a photographer to a scenic area to take family photos.) Riders can opt to ride whichever trails they choose, and do not need to follow the group. Members of the group, including the photographer/videographer, may suggest appropriate routes, but the course of the ride is ultimately up to the group and their collective photography/videography goals. Naturally, the videographer will follow the majority of the group.
Question: What kind of tools/equipment/first aid do I need to bring on the rides?
Answer: You're welcome to bring whatever you'd like, and should bring any specialty tools or medical supplies that you may require. However, the videographer will carry the following equipment: Hex wrench kit, 8, 10, and 12 mm sockets. Knife. Pliers. Electrical and duct tape. Pump. Tire spoons. Bead buddy. Spare 21 inch tube. Tarp. Flashlight. Water filter. Trail stand. JB Weld. Baby powder (for tube lube). Adjustable wrench. An assortment of small bandages and gauze. Aspirin. Sam splint. Burn gel. Antibiotic ointment. Garmin inReach. Cell phone.
Question: Do I need to bring my own backpack/water?
Answer: YES! We provide snacks, drinks, and water at the Moto Mansion, but you are responsible for packing your own snacks and water on the rides. Please bring a backpack with any important personal items, medical necessities, or proprietary tools for your motorcycle.
Question: What riding gear should I bring?
Answer: You MUST BRING your own riding gear, including a helmet, armor, knee protection, gloves, and tall motorcycle-specific boots (full motocross boots are preferred. Absolutely no ankle or "shorty" boots!) We do have some spare helmets, boots, and gear, but you should absolutely not rely on their availability. We also strongly encourage riders to bring their own GPS beacons (inReach, SPOT, PLB, etc) with emergency insurance coverage for emergent rescues.
Question: How do I get the best footage I can?
Answer: The videographer will try to film every member of the rally, but there are a few tips to get some really great footage:
1. Stand up! Standing while riding not only makes you a better rider and gives you more control, but it also looks better on camera!
2. Stick together. I will always try to film the bulk of the group and get the most riders in frame as possible. If you're blasting ahead to look cool, or lagging behind, you may miss out on a filming opportunity! In fact, when the drone is out, riding in a tight pack is best because then I can get nice and close, and still get everybody in frame! I'll let you know when to break off so I can film individual "highlight reels" with the flying camera.
3. Stay close to me. Wide angle cameras are excellent for filming action, but anything farther than about 15 feet seems much farther away on a wide lens. If you're riding in front of me, try to keep a steady, controlled line so I can get nice and close. I also have limits (and I'm usually carrying about 40 lbs of gear!) so if you go too fast, I'll just drop back, turn off the cameras, and find another subject to film. Likewise, if you're behind me, I most likely can't see you to see if the shot from the rear-facing camera is looking good. When I turn on the rear-facing camera, I'll let you know via the headsets. I'll try my best to ride in a very controlled, predictable line, but how good you'll look on film is up to you! Try to ride reasonably close, but at a distance where you feel safe.
4. Throw the roost! (Within reason!) If we're in sand, go ahead and rip those rooster tails! They look great on camera, and I don't mind a dirt/sand/mud shower to get that perfect shot! However, if we're in dense gravel or on a rocky surface, stay calm on the throttle for my (and my camera's) sake!
Question: How do I take home the footage?
Answer: We now upload all of the rally footage to Google Drive so you can pick and choose which clips you want to download. Although we try to upload quickly, it can sometimes take a few weeks for footage to become available.